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[Column] ‘Know-how’ on choosing hospital for a safe plastic surgery
  • Media : Medical Report
  • Publisher : 관리자
  • Written date : 2019.08.30 17:21:44


‘Know-how’ on choosing hospital for a safe plastic surgery


Due to recent increase of medical accidents, more focus has been given in operation safety.


All surgery should be conducted after patient’s health has been examined, for the patient to have a satisfied result and have no surgery side effects.


If a patient with weak stamina has to undergo general anesthesia or a long period of surgery, stress might be given to patient’s lungs and heart. Also, conducting surgery while disregarding patient’s underlying disease or illness increases the probability of accidents.


To have a safe plastic surgery, it is important to choose plastic surgery hospital with clinical pathology room and examine patient’s health before surgery. This is to conduct a safe surgery with the right anesthesia method. If health checkup result shows the patient has disease or illness, surgery should be conducted after underlying problem is solved.


Based on health checkup result, before proceeding with the surgery, anesthesiologist decides the right method and amount of anesthesia to be used during the surgery. During the surgery anesthesiologists must secure patient’s airway and monitor patient’s breath, pulse, blood pressure, body temperature monitored real – time, therefore anesthesiologists plays a big role for a safe surgery.


Medical staff should not be relieved even after surgery. Most medical accidents occur after surgery, during recovery from anesthesia, which is why anesthesiologists should monitor and examine patient’s condition even after the surgery has finished. This is one of the reason anesthesiologists are important in choosing a safe hospital.  


All surgeries may lead to emergency situations; therefore, hospitals should always be prepared for every situation.


Hospitals should regularly check their UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply), in cases of power outage during surgery for surgeons to be able to finish the surgery safely. Hospitals should also be prepared with ‘Dantrolene’ in cases of Malignant Hyperthermia that can occur under general anesthesia.


In addition, hospitals run CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) team in preparation of emergency situations for a fast response to secure patient’s safety. Equipping drugs and medical devices such as defibrillator, crichothyroidotomy kit, nasal endoscope to be inserted to patient’s airway allows a fast response in emergency situations.


The operating room is where patient’s life depends on, medical staff should always have an awareness in responsibility on what happens in the operating room at all times. For patient’s safety and infection prevention, hospitals should carry on safety education programs for all employees.


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